Last week was sort of a recovery week. Took me 4 days or so to come around and feel good. Just in time too. The weekend was great!
Monday: Easy 8.1 w/ core.
Tuesday: 8.5 easy. felt horrible from the first step. got through it without too much complaining.
Wednesday: 1 mile easy. kept the streak alive. barely..shitty week so far just getting worse.
Thursday: 7 miles easy. legs still soar and tired..took me one day last year at this time to recover from a race. Just shows what kind of fitness i had before Boston last year. I should have bowed out last year and ran something later and I might have had a Spring PR. On the other hand i shouldn't have regrets about doing Boston. I did qualify and deserved to be there.
Friday: Day off from work allowed me to get out early. 8 miles. felt great and thew in some strides..oh this week will change?! 3 mile walk later with Britt in the city woods.
Saturday: 18 mile long run. Solid is all i have to say. First 9 into the wind than turned around and banged out 7 miles (close to marathon pace) in 46:26. closed off with 2 miles easy. Happy with the effort, especially on the hills. I believe there is a huge misconception about hitting 20 milers for the marathon. Who set this distance? Yes i think time on your feet is very important for the later stages of the marathon, but why do you have to hit 20 miles? or 22 for that matter? This cycle so far i haven't hit nearly the amount of 20 milers i did last year but it doesn't bother me one bit. I'm hitting workouts during the long run that i believe will carry over quite nicely.
Sunday: 11 miles easy. Felt great today. Funny huh? Met up with a few people and got a ride back. Nice to get out with some people and just enjoy a run without pushing or worrying about the pace.
Total Miles: 64.5
Although this week had a bumpy start, everything came around for the weekend where i was able to get a good chunk of mileage in. Feeling confident and excited where my fitness is headed. Like I've said all along it's not pre-Boston 2012, but promising for sure.
Monday March 18th: easy 8 miles. Garmin's been shutting down on me as i head out the drive way. I fear my 5 year old Garmin 305 may be close to the end.
Tuesday: 11 miles moderate/ medium long. Originally planned on 14 cut that back to 12 before starting than to 11 by the time i got to 5 miles. I won't bitch about it. From 5.5 to 8 miles Loki and I hammered out a few faster splits ( 6:26, 6:13, 6:18). that was fun. Snow coming down pretty hard by the time we finished. not much on the roads yet.
Wednesday: Woke up to a half/day snowday. Had school at 1pm. With over a foot of fresh snow (YES snow in late MARCH!) I hit the trails or so I thought i would. Din't pan out. after a 1/4 mile i was out of breath and decided a mile would be better than nothing on the snowshoes. One last hoorah for the winter. Hit another 5 miles on snow covered roads. 6 total.
Thursday: Workout day: 2 mile warm up, 5 mile tempo in 30:18, 3x2min fartlek with 1:30 rest at 5:29 pace, 2 mile cool down. Hot damn, that fun! Breathing was out of wack for the first couple of miles of the tempo but i settled in nicely and hammered out those short portions at about 5k effort.
Friday: 7.2 miles easy in my Brooks Pure Cadence 1. Second time I've tried another brand other than Asics. Hope it turns out well. These shoes were cheap and similar to the DS trainer series so i went with it, so far so good.
Saturday: Treadmill time! why, well Ty was running 24 hours on the treadmill so i though 2 hours wouldn't be so bad. Workout was 5 miles easy, 4 miles moderate to easy. 7 miles of 1/2 mile at marathon pace followed by another 1/2 mile at marathon pace. Finished off with 2 miles easy. Good stuff. felt strong. Good heat training also. Never know what will happen in April. 18 total.
Sunday: Nice surprise that this group run worked out for me. Didn't think it was going to happen and I know i wouldn't have gone this long without a group to run with. 16 miles (7:12avg)
Total Miles: 80 (highest ever!)
Total Days in Streak: 83
Total Miles in 2013: 598.3
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