Monday: easy 7.25 after the long run with marathon pace work on Sunday.
Tuesday: just one of those day's your not in it. 10 miles "medium-long".
Wednesday: treadmill (my piss poor excuse, the wind) t'was windy. 3 mi w/u 5 mile tempo (6:22, 6:18, 3:14, 6:08, 6:03, 3:01) 2mi w/d
Thursday: 7 miles easy at 4:40am. I was up at 3:45! amazing what coffee can accomplish that early.
Friday: 6 easy with strides as a pre-race prep run.
Saturday: 3.5 w/u with Tim, Ty, Matt and Eric R. Chamberlain Half Marathon (13.02 by my watch) in 1:19:15. 2.5 w/d with Tim, and Matt.
Sunday: 4 miles easy. legs soar and tired. Achilles and Hamstring whispering to me.
Total: 63.4 miles with one core session of 10 minutes.
Very happy with this week. We're on spring break here at UMaine and all that means to me is I can work full time and run more! Just sitting at a computer all week for roughly 8 hours a day does take a toll on you. Luckily my boss is pretty laid back so i can bring the dog in and go on 3 or 4 walks with Loki outside in the woods which breaks things up nicely.
The tempo on the treadmill turned into a disaster. 2.5 miles in I managed to pull the emergency plug which shut it down. Pissed and moaned for second than fired it up to 10 mph for the last couple. Solid workout after that mis-hap.
The Chamberlain 1/2 marathon was a great precursor to Boston. I didn't have any true goal going in, but i knew I wanted to a) finish and b) dip under 1:21. With my current fitness and only 8 or so weeks of solid training since the knee problem I was worried, but felt confident I did have some strength to do so. Went out rather stupidly (okay; ran my own race.) and went with the lead through 2 miles with another guy who quickly dropped off after 4.5 miles. A good group caught us in the first sub-division and I tired to stay with them but I knew that that 5:50ish pace was a little out of my realm. Stuck with them anyhow through mile 6 but decided not to push it and ask for something bad to happen Hung back with Ty, just cruising. As we made our way over the 395 overpass the wind just sucked the life out of ya. By mile 11 or so Matt caught up to TY and I and flew past us. I responded, and tired to stay with him, than passed on a short downhill after mile 12 and tired to push him to get under 1:19. Both merely missing the sub 19. Had we worked together a little longer we could have gotten the sub 1:19. Clearly I have some work ahead, but very happy with where my fitness is at this point. Splits are all over the place due to lots of reasons (hills, wind, out of shape ect...).
Time to keep putting in solid work over the next few weeks before Boston. Tempo and marathon work ahead. I think if i can keep plugging away at the long pace work I should be good for something solid.
I could include a long rant in this post but I'll save that for another time.
The Numbers:
Crow Athletics 100 day Streak: Day 69
Total Miles this year: 453.8
Lifetime Miles: 9166
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