November 17, 2013

The Week in Training - 11/11 to 11/17

A great week for me running wise.
I was also actively posting this week. If you missed it, I've started a list of all the states, and counties I've run in here in Michigan and in Maine. It's fun to see where I've run and where I haven't at this point. Only 6 or so years running and I have quite the foot print. Maine is kinda sad looking. I grew up there and started running there and I still haven't run in all the counties. I guess I know what I'll be doing during my vacations up there. Michigan is going to be a challenge. There are 83 counties, spread across the upper and lower peninsula.

I've got my running cut out for me! Gotta run!


This week was a really great week of running for me. Finally I was consistently out there. 6 hours total for the week, puts me where I would like to be on average across the whole year, but sometimes it just doesn't work out that way.

Late summer and pretty much all of fall was rough for me. Plus I put running on the back burner during the two weeks leading up the wedding.

Already this month I've racked up more miles than I did for October, which is a good sign. 

Monday: Snow overnight made the roads slick with snow and ice. Didn't put icespikes on which was a mistake. I was all over the place with no grip (10.1 miles)

Tuesday: Windy, still snow and lots of ice on the roads, but the IceSpikes made all the difference grip wise. Fun to get out there and be pretty much the only one on the back roads. (10.3 miles)

Wednesday: Another snow covered, icy-dicey road again. Ran a bit harder effort wise, with a great hill during mile 7. (9 miles)

Thursday: Planned on a solid workout from Jack Daniels Marathon Plan, but the roads were still icy in spots so I have to change it up a bit. Turned into a true fartlek (didn't run based on time or distance) by hitting the watch when I hit a clear section or icy section. Total up time ended as - 3.34 miles in 18:53  for 5:40 pace/mi. SOLID! For where I'm at couldn't be happier. (11+ miles)

Friday: Long day at work, heavy boots, and yesterdays workout made this run feel horrible. Working on the Michigan county list I hit up the local town I was working on. Probably a mistake to run this fast as I ended up making my left knee tight and antsy...(4 miles)

Saturday: Another long day at work and I didn't want to aggravate the knee any more. Plus this week had been great for me so far no reason to push it and take too large of a bite. (OFF)

Sunday: Knocked out some easy miles. warm out, with rain and even a tornado warning in effect for the county!..Knee felt a bit wonky at times, but with the proper warm up and cool down ( mobility excercises) it seemed better than Friday. (8 + miles)

Total: 53.6 miles.

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