September 21, 2012

Dealing with the crap!

After two great weeks of training (79, and 78 miles) I started this week with a mild plantar fasciitis (PF) case. I jumped  on it quick to make sure it didn't turn into anything serious, but come Wednesday night I was treated to a nice soar throat. Great!, what did i do to deserve this?!

Well thankfully everything has been turning around. Thanks to Jason, over at Strength Running, I'm handling the PF issue like a BOSS, and the cold seemed to have no effect on todays run. So, good things might happen this weekend at the half marathon.

Today's run was a nice 6 miles in the woods at the University Forest. Fun time!

PS: Been wondering why i haven't posted anything about the Summer part 2..Well I don't really have a good excuse. School, running, the dog (yes I have a dog that LOVES  run.). Those things have all kept me busy. Hope to post again soon on where i'm at and where things are headed. Until than, lets make 2012 NASTY!